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The pedestrian environment around the Tainan Railway Station

Tainan 台南
The effectiveness of traffic regulations mainly depends on the attitude of law enforcement officials and the self-consciousness of citizens. In Taiwan, some region carries out strict traffic regulation while some does not. A great number of traffic violations, such as unauthorized parking and risky driving, offend the pedestrians right and even threaten their lives. Tainan, populated with 1.89 million, is a cultural city at southern Taiwan. Around her Railway Station, stands many department stores, commercial buildings, business hotels, and a university with 21 thousand more students, is the most prosperous downtown in Tainan. The photographer Rockie Sheu took a 5-year project record on the pedestrian environment and traffic situation around the Railway Station. 大學和火車站之間的行走環境

2014/3/23 A person standing on the sidewalk between the station and the university, surrounded by a lot of motorcycle and bicycle parked. 一個人站在車站與大學之間的人行道上,周圍停放了許多機車與腳踏車。 2014/11/21 On the sidewalk between the station and the university, part of the space is parked the motorcycle and bicycle. 車站與大學之間的人行道上,部分空間被停放了機車與腳踏車。 2014/11/23 A man riding a bicycle on the sidewalk, surrounded by a lot of motorcycle and bicycle parked. 一個人在人行道上騎腳踏車,周圍停放了許多機車與腳踏車。 2015/2/7 A person walking on the sidewalk, along the sidewalk parked a lot of motorcycle and bikes. 一個人走在人行道上,人行道沿線停放了許多機車與腳踏車。 2015/6/14 While pedestrians crossing the light show red light, people are still crossing the road on the path between the station and the university. 在車站與大學之間的路徑上,當行人穿越燈顯示為紅燈,仍有人們正在穿越馬路。 2015/7/6 Another path between the station and the university is a road. There are no clear sidewalks on this road, and most pedestrians will follow the road. In the photo, the other side of the wall is the university campus. 車站與大學之間的另一條路徑是一條馬路。這條路沒有明確的人行道,多數行人會沿著馬路走。照片中圍牆的另一面即為大學校園。 2015/8/3 The city government said that in order to solve the parking problem, the implementation of motorcycle parking charges. 市政府宣傳為了解決停車問題,開始實施機車收費停車格。一位收費員正在進行收費作業。 2015/8/10 The Path between the station and the university. After the typhoon wall was collapsed trees overwhelmed, forming a path into the campus. 車站與大學之間的路徑。颱風過後圍牆被倒塌的樹木壓到,形成一道可以走進校園的路徑。 2015/9/14 In the path between the station and the university, pedestrians will walk along the road in the motorcycle lane, a motorcycle reverse from the pedestrian side. 在車站與大學之間的路徑上,行人會沿著馬路走在機車專用道上方,一台摩托車逆向行駛從行人一旁經過。 2015/10/9 Between the station and the university sidewalks along the sidewalk there is a university’s advertising and a large number of parked bicycle. 車站與大學之間的人行道旁的圍牆有大學的宣傳公告以及停放數量眾多的腳踏車。 2015/10/26 A motorcycle was opened a number of parking paid documents. 一台摩托車被開立了多張停車付費的單據。 2015/11/17 The right side of the fence is the sidewalk and the left side of the fence is the university campus. 圍牆的右邊為人行道而圍牆的左邊為大學校園。 2016/1/15 2016/1/18 Path between the station and the university has a long-closed door. If you want to enter the university campus must go further to enter. 車站與大學之間的路徑有一道長久關閉的小門。若是要進入大學校園必須走到更遠處的們才能進入。 2016/1/27 從車站通往大學的路,路旁停了眾多腳踏車。 2016/1/30 一個人站在車站通往大學的人行道上周邊圍繞著眾多腳踏車。 2016/2/1 2016/2/15 一個人站在緊密的腳踏車之間解開腳踏車鎖。 校園內離車站較進的腳踏車停車場之一,停了許多腳踏車。 2016/2/27 此區域為車站通往大學的人行道,上方停滿了腳踏車,有些停靠於路邊的腳踏車倒在地面上。 2016/3/1 從車站跨越一條馬路可抵達通往大學的人行道。照片中的行人穿越燈顯示為紅燈,但仍有人們正在穿越馬路。 2016/3/12 2016/5/7 車站與大學之間的人行道旁設有禁止在人行道臨時停車的告示牌,但告示牌周圍停滿了腳踏車。 車站與大學之間的人行道上停滿了腳踏車,行人走在腳踏車海之間。 2016/6/13 一位行人走在車站與大學之間的路段,周圍停了眾多腳踏車。 2016/8/18 車站與大學之間的人行道。 2016/8/22 車站與大學之間的人行道上的行人。 2016/11/8 一位行人撐著陽傘走在車站與大學之間的路段的機車專用道。 車站與大學之間的人行道上停放了眾多腳踏車。 一位行人站在路上等待紅燈,準備通過馬路前往車站與大學之間的人行道。
2018/11/13 Then? 然後呢? The effectiveness of traffic regulations mainly depends on the attitude of law enforcement officials and the self-consciousness of citizens. In Taiwan, some region carries out strict traffic regulation while some does not. A great number of traffic violations, such as unauthorized parking and risky driving, offend the pedestrians right and even threaten their lives. Tainan, populated with 1.89 million, is a cultural city at southern Taiwan. Around her Railway Station, stands many department stores, commercial buildings, business hotels, and a university with 21 thousand more students, is the most prosperous downtown in Tainan. The photographer Rockie Sheu took a 5-year project record on the pedestrian environment and traffic situation around the Railway Station. 大學和火車站之間的行走環境

大學和火車站之間的行走環境雖然在文明社會裡對於交通工具的使用有明確的法律規範。但這些規範端看執法者的管理與公民的自我意識。在台灣,某些地方實行嚴格的交通規範,但許多區域仍然存在著眾多的交通違規行為。這些違規的交通行為從違規停車影響他人行走或停車的權利,乃至嚴重的危險駕車可能造成他人生命危險。在台灣台南市一個位於市中心火車站、百貨公司商圈和大學校園的繁榮區域,攝影師Rockie Sheu經過5年期間的拍攝,紀錄此地行走環境與交通使用的情形。




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The pedestrian environment around the Tainan Railway Station
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